Monday, June 10, 2013

How to take back your privacy

By now we have all been well informed by the media that the federal government is trying to listen in to all of our phone calls and tap into our e-mail.  All thanks to whistle blower Edward Snowden we know now the full extent of the unconstitutional spying on American citizens.

During my online readings this morning I found an excellent copy/pasta from Reddit on how to take back your privacy and prevent the government from invading it.

Don't ask your government for your Privacy, take it back:
If you have any problems installing or using the above software, please contact the projects. They would love to get feedback and help you use their software.
Have no clue what Cryptography is or why you should care? Checkout the Crypto Party Handbook or the EFF's Surveillance Self-Defense Project.
Just want some simple tips? Checkout EFF's Top 12 Ways to Protect Your Online Privacy.

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